Philosophy Study Group

Curt Hillstrom
Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Curran's Restaurant, 42nd and Nicollet in Minneapolis

We have decided to try a different tack into the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and examine his idea of phenomenology. He disagreed with Edmund Husserl, the person who is most credited with establishing phenomenology as a modern discipline. We will try to take a look at exactly what Heidegger's disagreements were and what it means for coming to understand his concept of Being. 

Our principal source will be Heidegger's The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (1975), a series of lectures he gave in 1927, shortly after the publication of his Being and Time.

You do not have to purchase the book, however (unless you really want to), since we are only going to discuss the Introduction, which can be found online. The URL for this is listed at the end of this announcement along with some other sources for phenomenology in general. While the only required reading for this meeting is the Introduction, it is suggested that you spend some time with one or more of the other sources to understand how Heidegger's existential phenomenology differed from that of Husserl and others. His approach is also refered to as hermeneutical phenomenology, so any examination of hermeneutics may also be useful.

This exercise has the advantage that when people ask you what you are up to, you can tell them that you are studying the Heideggerian hermeneutical approach to existential phenomenology. They'll probably leave you alone after that.

Introduction, The Basic Problems of Phenomenology by Martin Heidegger

An outline of The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (appears to be of only a part of the book)

SEP article on Phenomenology

IEP article on Phenomenology

Wikipedia article on Phenomenology

Wikipedia article on hermeneutics

2007 lectures on Heidegger by Hubert Dreyfus (thanks to Cathy for telling us about this)

Phenomenology looks like it is covered in the first few of the 28 lectures

It is also at

Handouts for the Dreyfus 2007 lectures

Later lectures on Heidegger by Hubert Dreyfus (probably from the same class in 2011)